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Enjoying the view and this week's flowers


Perelli is mostly an indoor cat but he always enjoys porch time.

If he looks fierce enough, maybe it will keep those neighbor cats off of HIS porch.

The google picture algorithm identifies Mr. P in the garden as "jungle cat". Perelli is quite proud of this.

So what's blooming now?

The evening primroses are still looking pretty nice. It took me a while to remember what these were because I think of evening primroses as being yellow, but this is a nice pink variety.

These tend to spread but they're so pretty when the bloom that I'm okay with it. Once they finish blooming I'll cut them back close to the ground and they'll be a nice ground cover for the rest of the season.

This clump has some hardy geranium plus a couple varieties of clematis. Coral beds and sedum in back, some variegated iris in front.

The small-flowered clematis still look great. These are totally underrated plants.

On the veggie side, we have a lot of seeds sprouting. The front is leafy lettuce and the 2nd row are two types of radish. I'm going to let them grow a bit before I start thinning them out. So far I like this square-foot approach.



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