This week's roundup of flowers..

This is a tiny 6-inch hosta. I have a handful of different tiny hostas but this is the most charming.

Asters - although they aren't as impressive than the ones at the Lewis Ginter Botanical Garden. Still pretty although they need some more room to spread.

Tall shasta daisy outside the fence. Always cheerful.

First blooms on the yellow passion flower (upcoming post on these)

Trumpet vine. I have a real love-hate relationship with this plant. That's for an upcoming post.
The veggies in the raised bed are doing great and growing like, well, veggies. The photos below are from May, early June, and this week.

A bouquet of lettuce from last week.
Last but not least - a new garden organization area!

Here's my new tiny garden shed that has been customized by my wonderful husband. This let me move the dirty items out of the basement and the tall items out of the garage. More space for everyone. Yes, I lost some space for the small-flowered clematis but I saved the plant and will move it elsewhere.
Notice that there's a trumpet vine flowering over top. That's part of the trumpet vine problem - it spreads EVERYWHERE.